

The Magic Within: Learn How To Tap Into Your Magic To Manifest Your Desires

By Bijoux Wright

What if I told you that you don’t have to be a superhero to possess magical powers! We all have them!
But most of us, until we realize we have them, leave them to lay dormant, unused, and rotting away.
The Magic Within, wants to introduce you to a world where dreams come true.

This book shows you manifestation techniques, and mind-altering methods to help you finally manifest your heart's desires. The tools given to you in The Magic Within, will ultimately shift your energy and focus, thus bringing about the outcomes you’ve been longing for.

You’ll discover how to:

- change your energetic vibration instantly to one where you can allow your desires to flow to you.
- use meditation techniques that actually work even if you don’t like to meditate or can’t stop thinking while meditating.
- understand how the Law of Attraction works and why it may not be working for you.
- take detailed steps, so you can be a manifesting machine!

I use manifestation for everything!

I need a parking space up close in a crowded parking, I get it. I need money because funds are low, it gets handed to me. When I needed a new job, someone called to tell me about an opening. You can practically use it for anything in your life big or small.

I’m here to help you start seeing results like I did!


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